
by Top Free Music Games



有乐趣与这个快节奏音乐游戏。你更快的挖掘黑瓦更好的音乐就会响起,你会提出更高的分数。 有落实,在目前不同的方式来挑战玩家,让他们与他们的朋友高分竞争5个不同的游戏模式。经典 - 看你如何快速通过50黑瓦挖掘。商场 - 挑战自我瓷砖越来越快向下滚动。最好的技术为基础的模式!继电器 - 点击尽可能多的瓷砖时间用完之前;获得额外10 “秒,每隔50瓦。禅 - 播放钢琴瓷砖在一个和平的步伐 - 点击和放松。免费游戏 - 玩,只要你所能无需触摸一个白色瓷砖。

Have fun with this fast paced music game. The faster you tap the black tiles the better the music will sound and you will make higher scores. There are 5 different game modes implemented that present different ways to challenge the players and have them compete with their friends for high scores.
Classic - See how fast you can tap through 50 black tiles.Arcade - Challenge yourself as tiles scroll down faster and faster. Best skill-based mode!Relay - Tap as many tiles before time runs out; gain extra 10" sec every 50 tiles.Zen - Play on the piano tiles at a peaceful pace - Tap and relax.Free Play - Play as long as you possibly can without touching a white tile.